Buncombe County Solid Waste Transfer Station

Buncombe County hired H&M Constructors using a CM@Risk delivery system due to the complexities of this project. The design team at had never designed a facility like this, and other municipalities have struggled to allow for such a harsh processing environment. Preconstruction efforts for H&M involved numerous trips to facilities around the state interviewing the men and women who work there. After months of discovery and discussions, and through a true team effort, this facility exceeded expectations. Phasing included an early site package that involved excavating and relocating 21,500 tons of the 50+ year-old Buncombe County landfill over a 3-month process to the current lined subtitle D landfill. The structural team at SKA Consulting Engineers designed this facility to function over top of the remaining landfill by utilizing a structural slab tied to 550ea 12” micropiles reaching depths that average 50’ down to bedrock. This $9 million facility has tripled the county’s waste handling capacity via a safe, efficient and revenue generating expanding operation.